DU PG Psychology Entrance Schedule has changed 2019

Worried about your DU MA Psychology and MA Applied Psychology admissions?

Feel like a few more day would allow you to finish that last revision? Well, in that case, fortune is in you favour.

National Testing Agency (NTA) in behalf of Delhi University has announced a change in the dates for the postgraduate Psychology entrance exams for the admission of 2019-21.

Initially, the entrance exams were scheduled on 2nd July for M.A. Psychology in north campus and 4th July for M.A. Applied Psychology in south campus.

However, they have been shifted to 6th July for M.A. applied Psychology and 7th July for M.A. Psychology.

This has increased the amount of time students will receive to prepare for the exam, but reduces the amount of time between the two exams themselves.

It will also sort out the initial clash of dates with Ambedkar University’s Psychology entrance exam, which is also to be held on 2nd July.

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