As per the requests and queries of many students, this article is to inform the students about the M.Phil Clinical…
Coaching for M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance
SCB Medical College & Hospital Cuttack SCB Announced for M Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance Exam—UPS Education
SCB Medical College & Hospital Cuttack has finally announced their final admission List of students called to take admission for…
Importance of RCI License in the Field of Psychology
The License from the RCI is a must for an individual seeking recognition in the field of Psychology. The students…
How to choose the Best University/College to Study –UPS Education
We have received many queries related to “How to choose the Best College or University for myself” on various Platforms.…
JSS Academy M. Phil Clinical Psychology Rank List Announced—UPS Education
JSS Academy has finally announced the Rank list of candidates who participated in the Entrance Test of M. Phil in…
M.Phil Clinical Psychology Available Applications 2022
This Article is for the students who have completed or pursuing their Master’s and want to take admitted to various…
M Phil in Clinical Psychology Results Out CIIMHANS, Chhattisgarh—UPS Education
CIMHANS, Chhattisgarh has announced their final list of Selected candidates to take admission in M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology course for session…
Dr. RML Hospital (GGSIPU) M.Phil Clinical Psychology and NIPCCD Advanced Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC) Answer key Available | Objection window Open —UPS Education
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) has released an Answer key for Various Entrance Tests (CET) held between 23rd June…
GGSIPU, Dr. RML Hospital M.Phil Clinical Psychology and NIPCCD Advanced Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC) Admit Cards out, Admission 2022 —UPS Education
GGSIPU on the behalf of Dr. RML Hospital and NIPCCD has announced the Admit Cards to be downloaded for the…
UPS Education announced the new batch for UGC NET and M. Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance Preparation -UPS Education
According to the latest draft Ph.D. regulations of UGC, the Universities shall admit at least 60 % of Ph.D. scholars…